
Showing posts from August, 2022

Charles Darnay: The Protagonist of A Tale of Two Cities

Charles Dickens is one of the greatest novelists of English literature. He is known for his art of characterisation. In his A Tale of Two Cities , we get a lot of characters. Charles Darnay is one of them. He is considered the hero of this novel. He is central character of this popular composition. He plays his role from the beginning to the end of this novel. Charles Darnay is a young man. He is well grown and well looking. He has glowing cheeks and dark eyes. He belongs to a rich aristocratic family. But he has no attraction for prosperity. He wants to lead a peaceful and simple life in London. Thus he accepts the job of a teacher for his living. He is an ideal son who loves his mother ardently. He frequently goes to Paris to see her. Darnay is an impressive character. He is kind, generous and humanitarian. He is polite and he has love and kindness for the poor. Darnay and Lucie love each other. To lead a peaceful life he marries Lucie with the consent of her father. Before ma...

Lala Hardayal

Lala Hardayal is a renowned freedom fighter and a great scholar of India. He dedicated his whole life to the sacred cause of the motherland. It is he who is one of the founder members of Gadar party. Lala Hardayal was so revolutionary that he left his career of civil services to serve the nation. He was a great patriot who joined Indian freedom movement to oppose British rule in India. He visited several countries to spread the patriotic feelings among the Indians residing in foreign countries. Lalaji was inspired by many legendary Indian revolutionary figures. Among them Shyamji Krishna Varma, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, Bhikhaji Cama and some others were his ideals. He was an ardent follower of Arya Samaj. Lalaji was influenced by Mazzini, Marx and Mikhail Bakunin in his writing. Lala Hardayal was born in a Punjabi family on October 14, 1884 in Delhi. Bholi Rani was his mother. The name of his father was Gauri Dayal Mathur. Mr. Mathur was an employee in the District Court. Lalaj...

लाला हरदयाल

लाला हरदयाल एक प्रसिद्ध स्वतंत्रता सेनानी और भारत के एक महान विद्वान हैं। उन्होंने अपना सम्पूर्ण जीवन मातृभूमि की सेवा के लिए समर्पित कर दिया था। लाला जी गदर पार्टी के संस्थापक सदस्यों में से एक हैं। लाला हरदयाल जी इतने महान क्रांतिकारी थे कि उन्होंने देश की सेवा के लिए अपना सिविल सेवा करियर छोड़ दिया। वे एक महान देशभक्त थे जो भारत में ब्रिटिश शासन का विरोध करने के लिए भारतीय स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन में शामिल हुए थे। उन्होंने विदेशों में रहने वाले भारतीयों में देशभक्ति की भावना फैलाने के लिए कई देशों का दौरा किया। लालाजी कई महान भारतीय क्रांतिकारी शख्सियतों से प्रेरित थे। उनमें श्यामजी कृष्ण वर्मा, विनायक दामोदर सावरकर, भीखाजी कामा और कुछ अन्य उनके आदर्श थे। वे आर्य समाज के भी प्रबल अनुयायी थे। लालाजी अपने लेखन में मैजिनी, मार्क्स और मिखाइल बाकुनिन से प्रभावित थे। लाला हरदयाल का जन्म 14 अक्टूबर, 1884 को दिल्ली में एक पंजाबी परिवार में हुआ था। भोली रानी उनकी माता थीं। उनके पिता का नाम गौरी दयाल माथुर था। श्री माथुर जिला न्यायालय में कर्मचारी थे। लालाजी का विवाह सुंदर रानी नामक संस्कारी ...

J. Krishnamurti


The Tiger


John Donne: A Great Metaphysical Poet

Introduction : John Donne is the leader and founder of the Metaphysical School of Poetry . His poetry is a revolt against the popular current. First of all Dryden used the term 'Metaphysical' for Donne's poetry. He said, 'Donne affects the metaphysics'. Later on Dr. Johnson called John Donne and his followers 'the metaphysical poets'. Since then the word metaphysical has been used for John Donne and his followers. What is Metaphysical Poetry? : The term metaphysics means something supernatural and transcendental. Its sense is 'what is beyond physical'. It is concerned with fundamental problems of life and death and soul even after death. The term metaphysical poetry means poetry dealing with metaphysical subjects. These subjects are - nature of universe, movements of stars and planets and the whole relationship of man to God. Major Characteristics : We should cast a glance at the major characteristics of metaphysical poetry before we proceed...

J. Krishnamurti: An Introduction

J. Krishnamurti is one of the greatest Indian spiritual figures of the twentieth century. He is a great philosopher, thinker, religious teacher, writer and speaker. His teaching stresses universal religious values, personal insight, and autonomous self-discipline. Discipline, according to him, vitalises and regulates energy. He attempted to synthesize the Indian and the Western philosophical and psychological principles. He felt the need for a radical change in man’s life. He also emphasized the necessity of total spiritual freedom. When the Theosophical Society called him the future world teacher , this name became a worldwide sensation. Krishnamurti promulgated his message of love throughout the world in a very impressive manner. (जे. कृष्णमूर्ति बीसवीं सदी की महानतम भारतीय आध्यात्मिक शख्सियतों में से एक हैं। वे एक महान दार्शनिक, विचारक, धार्मिक शिक्षक, लेखक और वक्ता हैं। उनका शिक्षण सार्वभौमिक धार्मिक मूल्यों, व्यक्तिगत अंतर्दृष्टि और स्वायत्त आत्म-अनुशासन पर जोर देता है। उनके अन...

Tintern Abbey


Preface to the Mahabharata: Objective Type Questions

1. The Mahabharata by C. Rajagopalachari is a retelling of: a. The Ramayana b. The Ramcharitmanas c. The Mahabharata d. The Gita Ans: c. The Mahabharata 2. The full name of C. Rajagopalachari is: a. Chief Rajagopalachari b. Charles Rajagopalachari c. Chakravarti Rajagopalachari d. None Ans: c. Chakravarti Rajagopalachari 3. C. Rajagopalachari is popularly known as: a. Mahatma b. Netaji c. Guruji d. Rajaji Ans: d. Rajaji 4 . The first Indian Governor General of India was: a. C. Rajagopalachari b. J.L. Nehru c. M.K. Gandhi d. Rajendra Prasad. Ans: a. C. Rajagopalachari 5. C. Rajagopalachari was the founder of: a. Congress Party b. National Party C. Swatantra Party d. Revolutionary Party Ans: C. Swatantra Party 6. The first recipient of the Bharat Ratna was: a. C. Rajagopalachari b. J.L. Nehru c. M.K. Gandhi d. Rajendra Prasad. Ans: a. C. Rajagopalachari 7. When was C. Rajagopalachari born in: a. 1876 b. 1877 c. 1878 d. 1879 Ans: c. 1878 8. C. Rajagopalachari left this world in: a. 197...

The Wonder That Was India: Objective Type Questions

1. The main problems of India are: a. labour saving devices. b. action and thought. c. disease and poverty. d. hectic ways of the world.. Ans: c. disease and poverty. 2. The old face of India: a. has already changed fully. b. is vanishing daily. c. is changing fast. d. is not likely to change at all. Ans: c. is changing fast. 3. The earliest influence of ancient Indian culture on South- East Asia can be traced back to: a. 4th Century A.D. b. 5th Century B.C. c. 1st Century A.D. d. 9th Century B.C. Ans: b. 5th Century B.C. 4. Vijaya, who is said to have conquered Ceylon first was: a. a king from folk tales. b. a king from fables. c. a king from epics. d. a king from real life. Ans: a. a king from folk tales. 5. In the beginning, cultural relations between China and India were: a. not strong. b. mutually all assimilative. c. pervasive and predominant. d. pervasive and weakening. Ans: a. not strong. 6. When was Ceylon finally converted to Buddhism: a. in the reign of Ashoka b. in the ...

The Axe: Objective Type Questions

1. The Axe has been written by: a. R.N. Tagore b. R.K. Narayan c. Mulk Raj Anand d. Raja Rao Ans: b. R.K. Narayan 2. The Axe is: a. An essay b. A poem c. A One act play d. A story Ans: d. A story 3. What is the name of Velan's village: a. Rampur b. Lalgudi c. Koppal d. Malgudi Ans: c. Koppal 4. Who foretold that Velan would live in a big house: a. Father b. Villagers c. Astrologer d. Friend Ans: c. Astrologer 5. At what age did velan leave home: a. Sixteen b. Seventeen c. Eighteen d. Twenty Ans: c. Eighteen 6. In Velon's opinion, big mansion existed only in: a. Heaven b. Hell c. Swarga Loka d. Zannat Ans: c. Swarga Loka 7. Which tree was most dear to Velan: a. Banyan b. Pipal c. Margosa d. Neem Ans: c. Margosa 8. The Axe is written by: a. R.K. Narayan b. Amrit La Nagar c. Prabhakar Rao d. Rabindrnath Tagore Ans: a. R.K. Narayan 9. Velan's father worked on other people's land: a. True b. Partly true c. Partly false d. False Ans: a. True 10. Which is a famous work of R...

National Education: Objective Type Questions

1. When was Gandhi born? a. 1867 b. 1868 c. 1869 d. 1870 Ans: c. 1869 2. Where was Gandhi born? a. Porbandar b. Champaran c. Vardha d. Rajgir Ans: a. Porbandar 3. Gandhiji is popular as: a. Guru. b. Netaji c. Iron Man d. Mahatma Ans: d. Mahatma 4. Who called Gandhiji as Mahatma? a. Nehru b. Patel c. Subhash d. Tagore Ans: d. Tagore 5. Who is known spiritual guru of M.K. Gandhi? a. Raja Ram Mohan Roy b. Tilak c. Leo Tolstoy d. Gorky Ans: c. Leo Tolstoy 6. Who is known as the political guru of Gandhiji? a Gokhale b. Tilak c. Tagore d. Leo Tolstoy Ans: a Gokhale 7. What is the name of Gandhi's father? a. Ramdas Gandhi b. Krishna Das Gandhi c. Ravidas Gandhi d. Karamchand Gandhi Ans:d. Karamchand Gandhi 8. What is the name of Gandhi's mother? a. Rambai b. Shyambai c. Putlibai d. Hulsibai Ans: c. Putlibai 9. The name of Gandhi's wife is: a. Kasturba b. Ramkumari c. Lilavati d. Padmini Ans: a. Kasturba 1 0. When was Gandhi assassinated? a. 1947 b. 1948 c. 1949 d. 1950 Ans: b...

Where the Mind is Without Fear: Objective Type Questions

(i) The poem Where the Mind is Without Fear is written by: a. Rabindranath Tagore b. Sarojini Naidu c. William Wordsworth d. Toru Dutt Answer: a. Rabindranath Tagore (ii) Rabindranath Tagore is a well-known poet from: a. Orissa b. West Bengal c. Bihar d. Kerla Answer: b. West Bengal (iii) Rabindranath Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in the year: a. 1931 b. 1921 c. 1913 d. 1945 Answer: c. 1913 (iv) Which of the following is a very famous work by Tagore? a. Sharadhanjali b. Gitanjali c. Geetmala d. Savitri Answer: b. Gitanjali (v) What is meant by the sub clause 'Where the mind is without fear and head is held high': a. To be fearless and self respecting b. To be proud of one's high position c. To stand straight d. To be fearless and haughty Answer: a. To be fearless and self respecting (vi) According to Tagore what is meant by the sub-clause 'Where knowledge is free'? a. Where people do not have to pay for education b. Where people have acce...

Set-5: 08 Important Questions for UG (BA/B.Com/B.Sc) I Year FC II- English

Important Questions for UG (BA/B.Com/B.Sc) I Year FC II- English 01. I completed my journey---- train. (a) bye (b) buy (c) by (d) none 02. A person who believes in bright side of life is called: (a) optimist (b) pessimist (c) patriot (d) foreigner 03. Antonym of ‘Ignorance’ is: (a) knowledge (b) courage (c) narrow (d) bondage 14. John died ---- Corona. (a) of (b) to (c) in (d) with 05. ‘Native’ means: (a) without rest (b) great sacrifice (c) indigenous (d) driving force 06. Vijaya, who is said to have conquered Ceylon first, was: (a) a king from folk tales. (b) a king from fables. (c) a king from epics. (d) a king from real life. 07. The earliest influence of ancient Indian culture on South- East Asia can be traced back to: (a) 4th Century A.D. (b) 5th Century B.C. (c) 1st Century A.D. (d) 9th Century B.C. 08. A.L. Basham is an eminent historian of: (a) China (b) England (c) Germany (d) America

Set-4: 13 Important Questions for UG (BA/B.Com/B.Sc) I Year FC II- English

01. ‘Yesterday’ is: (a) A noun (b) A pronoun (c) A verb (d) An adverb 02. C. Rajagopalachari is popular for: (a) His retelling of the Mahabharata (b) His retelling of the Kamayani (c) His retelling of the Ramcharitmanas (d) His retelling of the Panchatantra 03. Who has composed 'the Mahabharata': (a) Ramdas (b) Tulsidas (c) Vyasa (d) Kalidasa 04. C. Rajagopalachari is known as: (a) Ptaji (b) Rajaji (c) Netaji (d) Guruji 05. Gandhari was the wife of: (a) Bhishma (b) Drona (c) Pandu (d) Dhritarashtra 06. 'Boy' is a: (a) Proper Noun (b) Common Noun (c) Collective Noun (d) Material Noun 07. What is the name of Velon's village: (a) Rampur (b) Lalgudi (c) Koppal (d) Malgudi 08. Who foretold that Velan would live in a big house: (a) Father (b) Villagers (c) Astrologer (d) Friend 09. At what age did velan leave home: (a) Sixteen (b) Seventeen (c) Eighteen (d) Twenty 10. Which tree was most dear to Velan: (a) Banyan (b) Pipal (c) Margosa (d) Neem 11. After leaving the ...

Set-3: 08 Important Questions for UG (BA/B.Com/B.Sc) I Year FC II- English

01. He is better than: (a) I (b) me (c) my (d) mine 02. ‘ly’ is a: (a) verb (b) pronoun (c) suffix (d) prefix 03. Antonym of 'high' is: (a) dark (b) dim (c) low (d) logical 04. Who is known as the political guru of Gandhiji? (a) Gokhale (b) Tilak (c) Tagore (d) Leo Tolstoy 05. When was ‘National Education’ published? (a) 1919 (b) 1920 (c) 1921 (d) 1922 06. ‘National Education’ was published in: (a) Keshri (b) Young India (c) Aryavart (d) Harijan 07. ‘National Education’ is an essay by: (a) J.L. Nehru (b) Indira Gandhi (c) Mahatma Gandhi (d) Subhash Chandra Bose 08. Who is known spiritual guru of M.K. Gandhi? (a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy (b) Tilak (c) Leo Tolstoy (d) Gorky

Set- 2: 11 Important Questions for UG (BA/B.Com/B.Sc) I Year FC II- English

01. Which one is correct? (a) greatful (b) graitful (c) grateful (d) None 02. The author of ‘Where the Mind is Without Fear’ is: (a) Rabindranath Tagore (b) Sarojini Naidu (c) William Wordsworth (d) Toru Dutt 03. Tagore got the Nobel Prize in: (a) 1910 (b) 1911 (c) 1912 (d) 1913 04. According to Tagore, 'narrow domestic walls’ refers to: (a) Small houses with narrow walls (b) A house divided into rooms by walls (c) Narrow minded thinking (d) Broad minded thinking 05. R.N.Tagore compares a clear stream to: (a) Dreary desert sand (b) Reason (c) Dead habit (d) Narrow domestic walls 06. The word 'thee' in 'Where the Mind is Without Fear' refers to: (a) Father (b) Mother (c) God (d) Poet 07. ‘Narrow domestic walls’ means: (a) Partition (b) Differences (c) Social Prejudices (d) None 08. The antonym of ‘prosperity’ is: (a) Poverty (b) Sincerity (c) disparity (d) None 09. Gitanjali is a composition by: (a) Tagore (b) Premchand (c) Kabir (d) Aurobindo 10. The poem ‘Where ...

Set 1: 11 Important Questions for UG (BA/B.Com/B.Sc) I Year FC II- English

01. Manoj is ----- Indian. (a) a (b) an (c) the (d) none 02. Leela ---- to market daily. (a) go (b) goes (c) going (d) gone 03. ‘White’ is: (a) a noun (b) a verb (c) an adjective (d) an adverb 04. ‘He’ is a: (a) Personal Pronoun (b) Demonstrative Pronoun (c) Interrogative Pronoun (d) Reflexive Pronoun 05. ‘un’ is a: (a) verb (b) pronoun (c) suffix (d) prefix 06. He --- to Kota tomorrow. (a) will go (b) went (c) go (d) goes 07. Antonym of ‘courage’ is: (a) ignorance (b) fear (c) narrow (d) bondage 08. She ---- to Delhi tomorrow. (a) is going (b) was going (c) have gone (d) had gone 09. He is looking---- the case. (a) into (b) for (c) after (d) under 10. Which one is correct? (a) Patriot (b) Petriot (c) Pertiet (d) Petriat 11. Tagore is famous for: (a) Godan (b) Kamayani (c) Gatanjali (d) Tamas