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CCE Questions (English Literature) - Jan-Feb 2023 (BA III Year)

Department of English Govt. P.G. College Satna CCE - Jan-Feb 2023 BA III Year Subject: English Literature Paper- I (Poetry) Note: Attempt any two of the following questions. Q01. Discuss Tennyson as a poet. Q02. Discuss the major theme of In Memoriam ( First Five Cantos). Q03. Discuss W.B. Yeats as a modern poet. Q04. Write a critical appreciation of The Second Coming. Q05. Give a critical analysis of Sailing to Byzantium . Q06. Write a note on Yeats's symbolism. Q07. Discuss T.S. Eliot as a poet. Q08. Summarize the poem Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. Q09. Discuss W.H. Auden as a poet. Q10. Write a critical appreciation of The Unknown Citizen. Q11. Discuss Philip Larkin as a poet. Q12. Write a critical appreciation of Next, Please. Q13. Discuss A.K. Ramanujan as a poet. Q14. Write a critical appreciation of A River. Q15. Write a critical appreciation of Obituary. Paper II (Fiction) Note: Attempt any two of the following questions. Q01. Discuss Joseph Conard as a novelist....

CCE Questions (FC- English) - Jan-Feb 2023 (BA/BSc/BCom III Year)

Department of English Govt. P.G. College Satna CCE - Jan-Feb 2023 BA/BSc/BCom III Year Subject: FC- English Note: Attempt any two of the following questions. Q1. Write the summary of The Axe. Q2. Write the summary of Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening . Q3. Write the summary of The Cherry Tree. Q4. Write a report on A Road Accident. Q5. Write a report on Annual Function in Your College. ********************************************************

Syllabus of MP High School Teacher Eligibility Test (HSTET) – 2023 [अंग्रेजी- वर्ग- एक]

उच्च माध्यमिक शिक्षक अंग्रेजी (वर्ग- एक) परीक्षा की योजना एवं पाठ्यक्रम: यह एक पात्रता परीक्षा है। पात्रता परीक्षा हेतु 150 अंकों का एक ही प्रश्नपत्र होगा। प्रत्येक प्रश्न 01 अंक का होगा। प्रत्येक प्रश्न के चार विकल्प होंगे। इन विकल्पों में से कोई एक विकल्प ही सही होगा। ऋणात्मक मूल्यांकन (Negative Marking) का प्रावधान है। प्रति चार प्रश्नों के गलत उत्तर पर 01 अंक काट लिया जाएगा। इस परीक्षा की अवधि 2.30 घंटे की होगी। उक्त प्रश्नपत्र के दो भाग होंगे- भाग अ एवं भाग ब। भाग अ सभी परीक्षार्थियों के लिए अनिवार्य है परन्तु भाग ब के अंतर्गत शामिल 16 विषयों (1. हिंदी भाषा 2. अंग्रेजी भाषा 3. संस्कृत भाषा 4. उर्दू भाषा 5. गणित 6. भौतिक विज्ञान 7. जीव विज्ञान 8. रसायन विज्ञान 9. गृह विज्ञान 10. वाणिज्य 11. इतिहास 12. भूगोल 13. राजनीति शास्त्र 14. अर्थशास्त्र 15 कृषि 16.समाजशास्त्र) में से किसी एक विषय का चयन करना होगा। स्मरण रहे कि भाग अ के चार खंड (i. सामान्य हिंदी, ii. सामान्य अंग्रेजी, iii. सामान्य ज्ञान व समसामयिक घटनाक्रम, तार्किक एवं आंकिक योग्यता iv. शिक्षाशास्त्र (Pedagogy) होंगे। इस...

Questions for CCE Dec 2022: MA English Sem III, Paper IV (American Literature); Govt. P.G. College Satna

MA III Sem English Paper IV (American Literature): Questions for CCE Dec. 2022 Note: Attempt any two of the following Questions: 1. Discuss Walt Whitman as poet of democracy 2. Discuss Robert Frost as a pastoral poet. 3. What do you know about expressionism? Show that The Hairy Ape is a great expressionistic play. 4. What do you understand by 'Transcendentalism'? Explain with reference to the essays you have read.

Questions for CCE Dec 2022: MA English Sem III, Paper III (Indian Writings in English); Govt. P.G. College Satna

MA III Sem English Paper III (Indian Writings in English): Questions for CCE Dec. 2022 Note: Attempt any two of the following Questions - 1. Discuss R.N. Tagore as a poet. 2. Give a summary of Wings of Fire by Kalam. 3. Discuss Badal Sircar as a playwright. 4. Discuss Anita Desai as a novelist. 5. Give a character sketch of Savitri. 6. Sketch the character of Maya of Cry, the Peacock .

Questions for CCE Dec. 2022: MA English Sem III, Paper II (English Language); Govt. P.G. College Satna

MA III Sem English Paper II (English Language): Questions for CCE Dec. 2022 Note: Attempt any three of the following Questions: 1. Write a detailed note on language covering its definition, its function, its characteristics and development of English language. 2. Write a short note on any three: i. Diachronic approach ii. Synchronic approach iii. Phonemes iv. Register v. Difference between phonetics and phonology. 3. Write about cardinal vowels/ English vowels (Pure Vowels & Diphthongs) and Consonants. 4. What do you mean by TGG in context of linguistics? Write in detail. 5. Write with diagrams (where necessary) about the organs involved in articulation of speech sounds.

Questions for CCE Dec 2022: MA English Sem III, Paper I (Critical Theory); Govt. P.G. College Satna

MA III Sem English Paper I (Critical Theory): Questions for CCE Dec. 2022 Note: Attempt any two of the following Questions: 1. Discuss Aristotle’s theory of imitation. 2. Discuss Longinus’s five sources of sublimity. 3. Discuss Wordsworth’s theory of poetry. 4. Discuss Eliot’s theory of impersonality.

Questions for CCE Dec. 2022: MA English Sem I; Paper IV (Prose); Govt. P.G. College Satna

MA I Sem English Paper IV (Prose): Questions for CCE Dec. 2022 Note: Attempt any three of the following Questions: 1. Write a detailed note on Francis Bacon covering his essays prescribed for you. 2. How does Republic start? Name of the characters participating in discussion. Also write about the content of Book II. 3. Write about IV Chapter of The Autobiography or My Story. 4. Write a note on William Hazlitt and his essays.

Questions for CCE Dec. 2022: MA English Sem I; Paper III (Fiction); Govt. P.G. College Satna

MA I Sem English Paper III (Fiction): Questions for CCE Dec. 2022 Note: Attempt any two of the following Questions: 1. Discuss Don Quixote as a parody of chivalric romance. 2. Discuss Tom Jones as a picaresque novel. 3. Discuss Charles Dickens as a social reformer with special reference to Great Expectation s. 4. Discuss Kenilworth as a historical romance.

Questions for CCE Dec. 2022: MA English Sem I; Paper II (Drama); Govt. P.G. College Satna

MA I Sem English Paper II (Drama): Questions for CCE Dec. 2022 Note: Attempt any two of the following Questions: 1. Sketch the character of Shakuntala. 2. Discuss Hamlet’s madness. 3. Discuss Twelfth Night as a romantic comedy. 4. Sketch the character of Viola. 5. ‘ Dr. Faustus reflects the spirits of renaissance’. Discuss.