CCE Questions (English Literature) - Jan-Feb 2023 (BA III Year)

Department of English
Govt. P.G. College Satna
CCE - Jan-Feb 2023
Subject: English Literature

Paper- I (Poetry)
Note: Attempt any two of the following questions.

Q01. Discuss Tennyson as a poet.
Q02. Discuss the major theme of In Memoriam ( First Five Cantos).
Q03. Discuss W.B. Yeats as a modern poet.
Q04. Write a critical appreciation of The Second Coming.
Q05. Give a critical analysis of Sailing to Byzantium.
Q06. Write a note on Yeats's symbolism.
Q07. Discuss T.S. Eliot as a poet.
Q08. Summarize the poem Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.
Q09. Discuss W.H. Auden as a poet.
Q10. Write a critical appreciation of The Unknown Citizen.
Q11. Discuss Philip Larkin as a poet.
Q12. Write a critical appreciation of Next, Please.
Q13. Discuss A.K. Ramanujan as a poet.
Q14. Write a critical appreciation of A River.
Q15. Write a critical appreciation of Obituary.

Paper II (Fiction)
Note: Attempt any two of the following questions.

Q01. Discuss Joseph Conard as a novelist.
Q02. Give a character sketch of Lord Jim.
Q03. Discuss the major theme of Lord Jim.
Q04. Discuss Lawrence as a novelist.
Q05. Give a character sketch of Paul Morel.
Q06. Write the major theme of Sons and Lovers.
Q07. Discuss E.M. Forster as a modern novelist.
Q08. Give a character sketch of Aziz.
Q09. Write the major theme of A Passage to India.
Q10. Discuss Raja Rao as a novelist.
Q11. Gove a character sketch of Moorthy.
Q12. Discuss the major theme of Kanthapura.
Q13. Discuss V.S. Naipaul as a novelist.
Q14. Give a Character sketch of Mohun Biswas.
Q15. Discuss the major theme of A House for Mr. Biswas.


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