Model Question Paper of FC for BA/BSc/BCom III Year (M.P.)

 BA/BSc/BCom III Year (M.P.)
Foundation Course Old Course)
Paper- II

Section A (Objective Type Questions)

Q.1. Choose correct option: 1x5=5
1. What does the poet want to do before sleeping:
a. Finish the meal
b. Prepare his lessons
c. Travel miles of distance
d. None of them
2. What is the name of the hero of The Cherry Tree: 
a. Raki
b. Ruskin
c. Frost
d. Huxley
3. The Cherry Tree is written by:
a. Ruskin Bond
b. Hemingway
c. Robert Frost
d. Premchand
4. At what age did Velan leave home:
a. Sixteen
b. Seventeen
c. Eighteen
d. Twenty
5. Kabir was considered to be:
a. Heretic
b. Religious
c. Atheist
d. Spiritual
Section - B (Short- Answer Type Questions)
Q.2. Attempt any five of the following questions: 2x5=10
1. What does the poet find in the woods?
2. What does the poet observe about the woods?
3. Why was the cherry tree so special?
4. What is the miracle in the story The Cherry Tree?
5. What was the prediction of an astrologer about Velan?
6. Why did Velan leave home?
7. What work was assigned to Velan by the old man?
8. What type of garden the Selfish Giant has?
9. Who is the author of The Rule of the Road?
10. What did the author emphasise in The Rule of the Road?
Section - C (Long- Answer Type Questions)
Q.3. Attempt any two of the following questions: 7 ½x2=15
1. Write the summary of the poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.
Write the summary of The Cherry Tree.
2. Write a paragraph on the Spring Season.
Write a report on A Road Accident.
3. What do you mean by Precis. Explain..
Write a short on Election.
4. What do you mean by CV. Discuss.
Write a short note on Comprehension.
Sandal S Anshu, Satna


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