The Cherry Tree by Ruskin Bond: A Summary

The Cherry Tree is a beautiful story by Ruskin Bond. It is very inspiring. It deals with the theme of struggle, accountability and pride. The central character of the story Raki (Rakesh) plants a seed of a cherry tree and forgets. The seed continues to grow. One day he finds that the plant that was planted a year ago, has grown into a twig with one or two leaves. He shows it to his grandfather. His grandfather suggests him to take care of it. The protagonist follows his suggestion. The monsoon arrives and the plant grows faster. The cherry tree has to face many problems and difficulties. It is destroyed thrice. Once it is eaten away by a goat. At another occasion a grass cutter woman cuts it. At third time a hairy caterpillar eats the leaves. But despite these attacks the tree revives. After some time the protagonist of the story finds flowers on it. It is a miracle for him. Birds and bees start drinking its nectar and the tree grows taller than him. Finally the protagonist of the story gets sweet cherries and ‘I wonder,’ he whispered. ‘Is this what it feels to be God?

In this story the cherry tree shows the strength and perseverance against all the adversities. It is a symbol of survival. Just as human beings struggle in life so too does the cherry tree. The story obviously emphasizes the significance of all these qualities in human life. The bond between Raki and the cherry tree is of care and nurture. He plays the part of a guardian to the cherry tree and at the end he feels proud of the cherry tree as parents feel proud of their children.
Sandal S Anshu, Satna


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