B.A. I Year: Question Paper of English Literature: Major I (Study of Drama)

B.A. I Year Exam
English Literature: Major I
(Study of Drama)

Section - A (Very Short Questions)
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 02 marks (50 words) 5x2= 10
Q1. What is trilogy?
Q2. What is plot?
Q3. Define tragedy.
Q4. Define comedy
Q5. What is comedy of manners?
Section - B (Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 06 marks (250 words) 5x6= 30
Q6. Discuss Oedipus complex.
       Write a character sketch of Oedipus.
Q7. Discuss Dr. Faustus as a tragic hero.
       Discuss the major themes of the play Dr. Faustus.
Q8. Write a note on Elizabethan drama.
        Draw the character sketch of Portia.
Q9. Bring out the theme of All For Love.
       Write a character sketch of Cleopatra.
Q10. Justify the title of the play Hayavadana.
        Discuss the character of Padmini in Hayavadana.
Section - C (Long Answer Type Questions)
Note: Attempt any 2 questions. Each question carries 15 marks (500 words) 2x15= 30
Q11. 'Sophocles is the champion of Greek tragedy.' Discuss with reference to the drama you         have read.
Q12. Assess The Merchant of Venice as a comedy.
Q13. Bring out the contribution of John Dryden as a dramatist
Q14. Discuss Girish Karnad as a playwright.
Q15. 'Identity crisis looms deeper impact in Hayavadana'. Discuss
Sandal S Anshu, Satna


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